So after the news of the new Hocus Pocus blu-ray release we have yet another 25th anniversary release date for a beloved Disney film, this time The Nightmare Before Christmas! It still blows my mind that these films are that old. Similar to the Hocus Pocus blu-ray release, we have a Best Buy exclusive steel-book, a Target exclusive gallery book edition, and the standard edition. I don't tend to be a steel-book collector but the best buy exclusive of the Nightmare Before Christmas blu is up for pre-order for $29.99 and has fantastic minimalist artwork and is also glow-in-the-dark!!! I'm a total sucker for all things glow-in-the-dark..... The Target gallery book edition, also up for pre-order, is $12.99 (is this a mistake...seems too good to be true!). The standard edition looks like it will cost $15.00 at Target, and $19.99 at Best Buy. Check out the cover art for all of the editions below and let us know in the comments which version you'll be pre-ordering!
Disney Multi-Screen Edition (Sing-Along Edition)
Can you believe the 25th anniversary of Hocus Pocus is upon us? While I didn't have the chance to see it in theatres, I'll never forget getting the VHS tape from my Grandma of all people (as an Easter present no less - if I remember correctly)! You would think that after all this time my love for the film would have diminished, but you would be wrong. In fact Hocus Pocus seems to just get better with multiple watches (probably at least 10 times a year!) and now that one of my little guys is old enough to care, it will probably add a whole new dimension of excitement when viewing it during our Halloween movie marathons. With all of my love for the film it seems insane that I have never upgraded my dvd copy to blu-ray but that however, will change on September 4th when the 25th anniversary edition will be released on Disney blu-ray! Three different versions are up for pre-order. A standard "multi-screen" edition, a Best Buy exclusive steel-book cover featuring Winifred Sanderson's Spellbook, and a Target exclusive featuring a slipcover with unique artwork and a 40 page gallery book! The Standard version and the Target exclusive both include a digital copy as well. Which version are you most excited for? Let me know in the comments!
Jason Lives! From Blue Wizard Digital, the makers of horror puzzle game Slayaway Camp comes Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle. The game was released Friday, April 13th (wink wink) for both major mobile platforms and the pc/mac game download service Steam and is FREE TO PLAY on all services! The game sees Jason moving around various locations in the form of isometric slider puzzles to murder his victims in the most hilarious fashion.
Jason and his victims appear in-game as blockheaded little cubee style people and slide in straight lines across the playing grid. Jason's job is to murder the victims using various unique weapons, some of which include, ski poles, axes, pipes, and the infamous machete. Jason can also use environmental traps unique to each map such as bear traps, holes in the ground, campfires, and wood-chippers. Killer Puzzle also features some of the most outrageous settings we've ever seen Jason slaughter in. Some of these locales include, a ski resort, a super-max prison, the beach, and Victorian London.....Yes, Jason time travels! Classic locations such as Crystal Lake and Manhattan are included as well. The way the free to play model is used in this game is not at all intrusive like you find in other free to play games. The only time I have been forced to watch a commercial was at the end of a complete scenario (usually about 12 levels or so) or when I want to use a map tip or skip the map all-together. Once you do the in-app purchase commercials are removed and you receive unlimited hints and premium Jason skins. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't download Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle and give it a try. Whether or not you loved Slayaway Camp or have never played it, Killer Puzzle will satisfy your slasher stalking, counselor slaying, puzzle solving bloodlust!!!
I know for most of us the Halloween season never really ends, Halloween lives on in perpetuity, but for the rest of world today marks the day that it is ok to put those bats, rats, black-lights, and tombstones out on display in your yard! That being said I'm also going to give this whole blogging/Halloween countdown thing another go. Yes I've promised Halloween blogging goodness in the past and failed to deliver but sometimes life gets in the way (for several years at a time as it were...). Anyone who comments or shares a post via twitter or just lets one other person know about HalloweenOverkill will be giving me inspiration to keep this thing going this time around! I understand there are a million blogs out there for you all to go to but if you add HalloweenOverkill to your rotation even if you visit just once a week that would do wonders for me.
So what can you expect from HalloweenOverkill this Halloween season? How about book reviews, game reviews, live tweet movie reviews, twitch gaming (check out the link in the sidebar to visit my twitch channel), interviews, and giveaways! Yes, I'll even give you shit to come read my blog haha. If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see discussed or reviewed here just let me know in a tweet or in the comments and I'll do my best to do it up! Enjoy the sights and sounds of the season and check back tomorrow for our first book review......
"Your people look to you for leadership."
"Five families vie for power as the storm rolls in and the world ends." "You have only three years before your God awakens, but purging sinners may be difficult without confessions..."
Yes, the Shrouded Isle is a cult management game coming soon for PC (although the trailer also includes a Mac icon as well but isn't listed on the official site). The game is set to release on August 4th on the Steam platform (no price point yet?) "The Shrouded Isle began as a jam game Ludum Dare 33: You Are The Monster. It's created by developers from multiple studios and published by Kitfox Games." - per the Shrouded Isle website.
The official description for the game goes like this: "In this cult manager, there are sinners aplenty, and not all are eager to confess. Each member of your community has 2 hidden traits - one virtuous, one heretical. If you’ve earned the favor of their House, you may investigate their reputation. Otherwise, you may appoint them to your seasonal council and watch their work for clues." Features include:
Check out images from the game below and click on either the logo at the top or bottom of this post to head over to the official steam page for The Shrouded Isle! How can you top last years Walmart's Universal Monsters glow in the dark bluray covers? You bring famed comic book artist Alex Ross on board to create some exclusive artwork and slap it on the much beloved bluray steelbook case and consider it a win! Best Buy is releasing these new versions of the Universal Monsters classics just in time for Halloween this year and they look simply amazing. The discs will be priced at $19.99 each with Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, the Wolfman, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon all getting their own release on 9/12/17. Each copy will also come with a single code for a digital copy of the purchased film. I haven't seen any info on if the discs will feature any new or exclusive extras so I anticipate that they are the same discs that were used in the Walmart release and have been used in other releases of the films. Check out the artwork for the covers below....
Here we have our first legit horror music video of 2017 courtesy of TWIZTID. The song is "Kill Somebody" off of their new album "The Continuous Evilution of Life's ?'s. Not only is the video jam packed with insane visuals but the song is pretty kick-ass also. TWIZTID have always been trailblazers when it comes to the horror side of rock/rap and have been continuously evolving and pushing the envelope since they formed House of Krazees in 1997 (I totally remember HoK stickers being plastered all over the Hot 'n Now drive-thru back home in Detroit!). TWIZTID also enjoyed a pretty successful run with the boys from ICP on their Psychopathic Records label from 1996 to 2012.
Check out "Kill Somebody" and let me know in the comments what you think of TWIZTID's new look and the insane visual content of their newest music video!
The Similars a.k.a. Los Parecidos will be releasing on VOD on November 15, 2016 from XLrator Media! The Similars was directed by Isaac Ezban and stars, Gustavo Sanchez Parra, Cassandra Ciangherotti, Fernando Becerril, and Humberto Busto. The synopsis from the official press release looks something like this:
On the rainy night of October 2, 1968, eight people waiting in a remote bus station for a bus heading to Mexico City start experiencing a strange phenomenon. Threatened by paranoia and fear, the strangers show the best and worst of themselves as they try to unravel the mysterious condition that is invading each of them like a virus. So what do you think it is, aliens, zombie virus, common cold? I do dig the trailer as it gives off a music video flair with a dash of Sin City cinematography. I look forward to reviewing and bringing you more coverage of The Similars but in the meantime check out the trailer and official movie poster below. If you happen to be in the Los Angeles, New York, or San Francisco areas there will also be a one night screening of the film as well! Hello ghouls and welcome to the HalloweenOverkill Halloween Countdown 2016! I look forward to bringing you the best in Halloween & Horror related news as we count down the days until October 31st, 2016! During the countdown I'll be reviewing Halloween themed books, movies, video games, and more! Check back daily for your fill of Halloween tricks and treats and let me know if there is anything specific you want to see posted!
I'm happy to report that the wait for the Eli Roth produced horror film CLOWN is finally over. You can check out CLOWN here in the states on June 17, 2016 in select theaters and through On Demand with Starz Digital. CLOWN was directed by Jon Watts and stars Peter Stormare (Fargo), Laura Allen (TV’s “All My Children,” “The 4400”) and Elizabeth Whitmere (The Last Hitman).
Synopsis: CLOWN is a story of a loving father who dons a clown outfit and makeup to perform at his son’s sixth birthday, only to later discover that the costume – red nose and wig included– will not come off and his own personality changes in a horrific fashion. To break the curse of the evil outfit, the father must make grim choices with his own family facing danger. Check out the trailer (originally posted on for the long anticipated film as well as a publicity shot below and leave a comment telling me what your favorite clown movies are, horror or otherwise! |
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